
Prior to any purchase made with JuiceDefined LLC, you need to create an account. To register new account with please follow LOGIN/REGISTER tab in top navigation bar (For desktop users), or MY ACCOUNT tab in bottom sticky navigation bar for mobile users. Once you are on registration page, you will be prompted to enter your data such as  desired Username, Email address and Password.  You will get a confirmation to your email once the account is created and activated. Upon registration, and successful login, you can access your account dashboard by going to MY ACCOUNT tab, where you are able to see all information about your personal details, order history, downloads etc. Within MY ACCOUNT dashboard, by clicking the tab “Account Details”, you can set your Full Name, as well as change password if necessary.


For customers that already have a registered account with us, please follow LOGIN/REGISTER tab in top navigation bar (For desktop users), or MY ACCOUNT tab in bottom sticky navigation bar for mobile users. Once logged in, you will be redirected to home page, and you can start your shop/explore tour on our website.

If you do not have a registered account, please read “Registration“ instructions above.

Reset Password

This function is reserved for security reasons. Occasionally, it can occur, customers lose or forget their passwords, and therefore you can reset it by following the “Lost your passowrd?” label under LOGIN/REGISTER tab in top navigation bar (For desktop users), or MY ACCOUNT tab in bottom sticky navigation bar for mobile users. Once you enter your email, which you used in initial account registration, a password reset link will be sent to your email. There you can enter your new desired password, and once confirmed, you will be able to login again.

My Account Dashboard

A dashboard that shows your recent purchases, downloads, options for editing/updating your account data, as well as password reset. To access your account dashboard, you need to be logged in, and follow YOUR USERNAME tab in top navigation bar (For desktop users), or MY ACCOUNT tab in bottom sticky navigation bar for mobile users.


Fresh Juices/Detoxes/Packs

These products are physical goods, and once purchased (payment completed), an order is created and noted in our system. Each order then goes into processing status, until products reach their final destination, i.e. the buyer.

Digital Materials

These products are digital documents which are downloadable in your “Downloads” section upon ordering and payment is complete. Please bear in mind that these products don’t undergo any kind of shipment or physical delivery.