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First Class Flight Shots Pack

RAW. FRESH. COLD PRESSED. 100% NATURAL. On this FLIGHT, We have SEVEN different wellness shots served in a sequence to give you the boost of energy AND immunity you need to keep you well and swell! SHOTS INCLUDED
  • ginger
  • celery
  • lemon/lime
  • turmeric
  • elderberry
  • shot treatment (spirulina/chlorophyll/seamoss)
  • apple
16 fl. oz.
64 fl. oz.

Beet-A-Rita Fresh Juice





This amazing blend of beet and watermelon, with a hint of lime reminds you of a fruit juice, just all natural. Really good for increasing red blood cells and detoxing the digestive organs, like the liver and kidney. Drink this and you will certainly be satisfied!


Beet Root with leaves, Fresh lime, Georgia grown watermelon
1 Shot
Quad (4 Shots)
64 fl. oz.

Flat Tummy Shots

RAW. FRESH. COLD PRESSED. 100% NATURAL. #FlatTummyShots are literally a miracle in a bottle. We call it the flat Tummy Shot because the ingredients assist in activating our digestive systems, suppressing our appetites and flushing out toxins and fat (mainly stored in our tummies). These tiny babies also give a boost of energy and helps boost immune systems. INGREDIENTS Grapefruit, Green Apple, Ginger, Apple Cider Vinegar, Flaxseed Oil