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First Class Flight Shots Pack

$20.00 $18.00
RAW. FRESH. COLD PRESSED. 100% NATURAL. On this FLIGHT, We have SEVEN different wellness shots served in a sequence to give you the boost of energy AND immunity you need to keep you well and swell! SHOTS INCLUDED
  • ginger
  • celery
  • lemon/lime
  • turmeric
  • elderberry
  • shot treatment (spirulina/chlorophyll/seamoss)
  • apple
16 fl. oz.
64 fl. oz.

Twisted Carrot Fresh Juice





You love your eyesight, right? Your nails? Your skin? Your hair? This juice is everything you need to maintain all things beauty. Beauty of in the eye of the beholder, but it starts from within, with this juice.


Green Apple, Lemon, Ginger, Carrot
1 Shot
Quad (4 Shots)

Pain Potion Shots

RAW. FRESH. COLD PRESSED. 100% NATURAL. We call this the #PainPotionShot because of the main ingredients, freshly pressed Blackseed Oil imported directly from Dubai and cold pressed turmeric, which is largely beneficial for reducing inflammation and pain. But these tiny bottles are also really good for reducing risk of heart disease, assisting in weight loss, helping to repair bodily tissue and boosting immunity to fight other illnesses. INGREDIENTS Turmeric, Lime, Apple, Organic Cold Pressed Blackseed Oil